Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 14 Grants, NM

We left this morning around 10:00 to great weather. As we were packing up the bike, a man came up to me and said that he heard we were going to Alaska. He stayed at the Sunset Motel on Route 66 as well. He then explained that he saw us on the road the other day. He explained that he is riding a burgundy bicycle. I indeed remember seeing him on the road and honked and waved at him as we sped past. Later in the evening as we were sitting on a picnic table at The Blue Swallow and I was playing guitar, this fellow passed us. I commented to Rita that he traversed an awful lot of ground in a short time on his bike. His name is Jeffery and he hails from Rochester, MI. He has been on the road for a month now starting in Chicago as did we. He too will be traveling up the Pacific Coast Highway and may be traveling home via the northern US route. I told him we may catch up again after we swing through Alaska. Amazing, Jeffery! Even more amazing, the reason Jeffery took notice of my bike is he owned one; identical color, identical year that he sold to finance his trip. Happy 50th Jeffery!

After we made our way through Albuquerque (and their 10 miles of construction down their Main Street, and had their normal 3 lanes of traffic shut down to just one, which proceeded to follow a maze of switching from one bad lane to another to another and insisted on a speed limit of 25 and sometimes 15, it took  us about an hour to get through this town. I'm certain it is a fine town, but I will never know. I was only seeing red as it felt like we were driving on railroad tracks; actually, I think railroad tracks would be smoother) we found some amazing scenery

We rode just over 100 miles today in 3.5 hours, (thanks again Albuquerque), with no stops and about 30 miles on I-40 where the speed limit is 75, which I was able to do nicely. But I'm not bitter!
And we are now stopped for the night at the Sands Motel in Grants, NM. That's right, The Sands.

Till tomorrow!

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