Monday, May 22, 2017

Hoover Dam and Las Vegas

Prior to leaving Needles I stopped to fill up with gas. Wow is gas ever expensive here. At one stop some where along our trip we paid $1.79 for gas. Check this out: A full $2 over what we have paid at some stops on this trip.

But if you need ATV or marine use gas, $6.399. Unbelievable!

We left then Needles, CA and enjoyed the ride up to the Hoover Dam outside of Vegas. What an impressive structure! I have for years wanted to see this. I've obviously known of this since I was a kid. It was great to finally see it firsthand.

In order to get the best view of the entire dam, we walked across US Highway 93. You walk on a sidewalk back into Arizona and then back to Nevada again. Awesome bridge and view.

Then, as long as we were so close, we rode into Vegas. There are 3 shows on the History Channel that we like to watch and all three are based in Las Vegas. That is all I want to see while I'm here; no lights, no casinos, no shows.

Danny (The Count) Koker  grew up near Detroit and became a huge car fanatic. He and his shop do awesome work on building, restoring and detailing motorcycles and cars. I was impressed that they post staff outside in the street to direct you to available parking.

Here is a photo of Horny Mike's bus.

And Roli was sitting in the office and gladly posed for a photo.

Another show we enjoy is Pawn Stars. They, too, post staff to assist you in parking. Thanks Bruce!

And the final shop we wanted to visit is Rick's Restorations. We got a tour of the shop but could only look through windows into the shop. Rick was there working on restoring an old gas pump.

We were surprised to see his shop is directly under an expressway.

I am adding photos of cars from Counts Kustomz for those who would like to see.
Today was another incredible day.

Till Tomorrow! (Though we currently do not have plans to travel tomorrow. We are looking forward to a day of rest.)

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