Saturday, May 20, 2017

Commencing Week 4

It's hard to believe we have been on the road 3 complete weeks now. What an adventure! We are meeting some incredible people and folks on the road are taking our business cards with our blog address on them and looking in on us from time to time. We know because we bumped into a couple from England today who talked to us and took our card 2 weeks ago in Oklahoma. We saw them at a stop today and they called us over to their car. It was great to see them again.

After we checked in last night, we went for a snack at the Road Kill Diner next door to our motel.

They have a great slogan:

They have an original Route 66 sign from the early days of Route 66.

And then walking back to our room, Rita got this photo of the sign at our motel.

Before we left Seligman behind this morning, we stopped in for breakfast at Westside Lilo's Cafe. We were inundated with the orchestra of foreign languages being spoken around us. We heard German, Spanish, met one from Norway and others from Belgium. We did not hear English being spoken anywhere within our earshot. We continue to be amazed at the international travelers on Route 66. And one car and one color seems to be rented most by people traveling Route 66: That's right; a red Mustang convertible. We have encountered more of these than any other kind of car.

Leaving Seligman today, we drove the longest stretch of uninterrupted original highway. It indeed is a nice rural stretch amounting to 158 miles. The one thing I do find amazing is the speed limit being 65 on a two lane road.

Another fun thing we have encountered driving in Arizona along Route 66 is advertising for Burma-Shave.

All along the Route are fun cars set up in random locations. Memorabilia seems to pervade everyones thinking along the historic Route.

We then drive for miles of uninterrupted peace and beauty:

Only to be enticed to another random location General Store. This store is in Hackberry.

We have landed for the night in Kingman, AZ, a short 90 mile day.

So far along Route 66 we have traversed:
301 miles in Illinois
317 in Missouri
13 in Kansas
432 in Oklahoma
186 in Texas
400 in New Mexico
300 in Arizona thus far.
Given additional side trips, we have covered 3090 miles so far. We keep wondering how the trip can get any better but we are amazed everyday. Thanks for riding along.

Till tomorrow!

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