Friday, May 12, 2017

Another Awesome Day!

As we were leaving Blue Swallow this morning, this interesting ride pulled up. We don't know anything about it but it was pretty special. We left this morning and rode to Moriarty, NM, just 125 miles away.

Kevin, from the Blue Swallow Motel, was telling us this morning of a stop we might want to check out, a place called The Blue Hole. It was just a few minutes off course but oh my was it worth seeing! If you check out the website for The Blue Hole, you learn that this is a frequent stop for scuba divers who drive from up to ten hours to check this place out. There are caves that have since been sealed off but they go to a depth of 190'. The pressure from beneath the rocks down below force water to the surface at an amazing 3000 gallons per minute. This regenerates the water every 6 hours keeping the water crystal clear.

New Mexico terrain is breathtakingly spectacular! We arrived at the Sunset Motel in Moriarty at noon. Because we arrived so early, we decided to take an hour and a half side trip to Santa Fe using the Turquoise Trail, a beautiful drive through the mountains. Santa Fe was on the early version of Route 66. Route 66 was straightened out to go straight to Albuquerque instead of up to Santa Fe. I am glad we did not miss out on driving this very early part of Route 66. 

Check out the snow capped mountains.

In spite of the slight haze in the air, you can see for miles and miles...Go ahead and hum the tune to yourself! We did.

The trip up to Santa Fe passes through Madrid, NM where parts of the movie Wild Hogs was filmed. The diner in the film was built just to be used for the movie. Afterward, it was donated to the owner of the property who now uses it as an overpriced gift shop.

We walked around Santa Fe for just a bit before we both decided we were beat. We were about a mile higher in elevation than back home; it took its toll on us both. Santa Fe's adobe style architecture is beautiful.

After Santa Fe we headed back to Moriarty to settle in for the night. This is a great motel where it has been in the same family since 1959. Thanks Deb. Another awesome day!

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