Friday, June 30, 2017

Canadian Rockies in the Rear View Mirror

Today, as we close the books on June, we also close the books on our 9th week. We have seen so much and met so many wonderful  people. We knew this was going to be a trip of a lifetime but little did we know all that we would encounter.

We drove through the Canadian Rockies for the last time today. It was another incredible day. We left Watson Lake at 7:30 and drove 320 miles to Fort Nelson and checked in at 2:30. We would have arrived sooner but I spent a lot of time doing u-turns in order to photograph something we drove by. The Rockies did not disappoint at all in their scenic beauty.

We counted at least 15 bear sightings today.

I mean seriously, don't you just want to scratch behind this guy's ears?

And we ran into the same Bison herd that we saw on the way up. 

You ask how I know it's the same herd; I recognize this one.

He actually crossed right in front of the bike paying me no attention. This is a photo through my windshield. He's about 10 feet in front of us.

As I was taking his close up I saw another came from behind and boxed us in.

And until today, we have not noticed mosquitoes hardly at all. We had heard horror stories so we came prepared with bug spray. We shipped it home when we left Alaska.Today was a different story. Notice all of the dots in front of this bison. Mosquitoes, every one of those dots, just swarming! Rather thick don't you think?

And we saw more stone sheep along the road.

And I shall close with a photo of this good looking guy.

Canadian Rockies (and all of Canada), you have treated us to some spectacular sights that we will not forget. Why don't you throw yourself a party tomorrow to celebrate! For those who don't know, Canada celebrates 150 years tomorrow.

Till Tomorrow!

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