Saturday, June 3, 2017

California in the Rear View Mirror

This morning we got on the road in Eureka at about 8. It was misting ever so slightly and 50 degrees. Nothing a warm jacket and rain gear can't cure. Shortly after leaving, we saw a sign for elk crossing next 2 miles. We have seen such signs numerous times on the trip thus far. When I spotted a sign saying elk grazing next left, I approached that with the same degree of uncertainty. And here's proof that I am always right:

Okay, I can hear you from here; but they are not grazing...they are resting!

Well, all except this gal.

And this guy does seem to be laughing at me. I have never seen an Elk before. They were wonderful to witness.

We finished the last 100+ miles of California after entering it over 10 days ago.

This is Arch Rock not too far into Oregon. Beautiful coast.

And we stopped at Cape Blanco State Park for a shot of the lighthouse on the western most point in the lower 48.

Afterward leaving the lighthouse, we arrived in North Bend, OR, and headed to Nicole and Dave's place, my niece and her husband, along with their son, Kellen, for a visit. We were then treated to dinner out and an awesome tour of the North Bend Coast Guard Station. Kellen, I told you I could get a picture!

Dave flies helicopters for the Coast Guard. We are incredibly proud of him and his service.

Thanks Janneys!

And we return to our motel and I snap this picture out the back window of our room.

Till Tomorrow!

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