Thursday, June 22, 2017

Top of the World

Today we flew to Barrow, Alaska which is the northern most city in the US. We are staying at the Top Of The World Hotel.

We went by way of Prudhoe Bay. We flew out of Anchorage and crossed the Arctic Circle.  We stopped to off load cargo at Deadhorse on Prudhoe Bay. Alaska Airlines flies some cargo planes that have regular seating behind the cargo hold. Alaska Airlines provides a valuable service to remote communities as this is the only means by which they receive supplies. Prudhoe Bay is at the end of the Dalton Highway some 500 miles north of Fairbanks.

If you look near the bottom of this next photo, you see Dalton Highway with a truck that was speeding down the road.

We stayed at Top Of The World Hotel In Barrow. This was our view outside our window. The Arctic Ocean is in the background.

And for days, I have been showing pictures of mountains. From the air, it is easy to see why. There are mountains everywhere. Spectacular!

And I was able to get a photo of the famed Alaska pipeline.

This was our first glimpse of the Arctic Ocean, and yes, it still has a remarkable amount of ice on it.

 We arrived at Barrow at about 6:00 PM, just in time for a great seat for a spectacular sunset. The sun will be setting next on August 2. Just in case you think I am making that up, here is a screen shot:

I feel fortunate to have any internet at all, though the quality is so low, I am unable to upload any photos. I will post a few once I get back to Anchorage tomorrow night. I don't have many to post but we are situated a block from the Arctic Ocean. They do not recommend swimming in the ocean as there are polar bears, seals and other wild life I do not intend to encounter. Also, the Ocean is covered in ice.

Barrow is a city with a population of about 4500 people. It is predominately Inupiat Eskimos. The town was recently renamed to Utqiagvik, which is what the Inupiats have always called it. You can only get to Barrow by plane or by boat, but due to the ice, there is no way to boat in now. The current temperature is around 40F.

Till Tomorrow!              

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