Saturday, July 1, 2017

Alaska Highway Done!

This was the final historic, iconic road of our 3 roadway trip. Route 66, Pacific Coast Highway and the Alaska Highway. I have known of these roads and planned of the day when I would experience them for myself. I say experience because these are roads that cannot be insulted with the word, "drive". You don't drive these roads, you experience these roads. And what an incredible experience!

Today we said goodbye to the Alaska Highway, Dawson Creek, British Columbia, wildlife (not one sighting all day today) and the mountains. A parting shot of BC mountains. They are very distant, many miles away. Trees, trees and more trees. It is said that a worker on the Alaska Highway in 1942 wrote home and said, "There is nothing to see for miles and miles but miles and miles." I agree.

We revisited the Kiskatinaw Bridge today. We passed it first on a rainy day; today was much nicer. Partly sunny and 77.

From this view a mile away you can't detect that this is a curved bridge.

But seeing how the planks are curved helps out.

I find it amazing that it is still in service after 75 years.

Good bye Dawson Creek, Mile 0 of this great highway!

A panoramic view of Dawson Creek in the distance.

And today we said hello to Alberta where you can see for miles in all directions. It's not that Alberta doesn't have mountains; we will be passing near Banff. There just aren't any mountains near Grande Prairie where we are spending the night on Highway 43, 360 miles further down the road than we were last night. It is obvious that this area is great for farming. And I'm hoping we meet Rose whoever she is.


And I would like to wish all of my Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day! 150 years old! 

I salute Canada for all her hard work to support the United States. Did you know that the U.S. imports 43% of our Crude oil from Canada? It was evident today in seeing the amount of oil and natural gas production facilities. Thank you Canada for 150 years of friendship!

Till Tomorrow!

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