Monday, July 3, 2017

Medicine Hat

We drove an easy 250+ mile day, that pales in comparison to that which we have been driving. We arrived at our Mexican, Canadian friends house, Greg and Sharon. We have known them for 3 years since we have been traveling to Puerto Vallarta for the winter. Along with Greg and Sharon, we met up with Richard and Kathy. We had a marvelous time! Now it's time for you to make your way over to our homestead!

Today we arrived in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The name medicine hat is from the Blackfoot Indian word for the eagle tail headdress worn by the medicine man, or medicine hat. It is a question that is most often asked by visitors in this fine Alberta City: How did it get its name? Now you know!

We had an easy uneventful driving day. The first two photos are indicative of the entire day's drive. As they say here, our dog ran away 3 days ago and we still see him running. We made it back to the Trans-Canada Highway.

And, please Canada, what does this sign mean? What is important about some intersections while others are relegated to a lesser value? I need an answer.

Medicine Hat boasts the world's largest Tee Pee. It is left over from the Calgary  Winter Olympics from 1988. It was moved to Medicine Hat in 1991. It stands 215' tall and 160' in diameter. This is visible from much of Medicine Hat.

More friends from Mexico that live about an hour and a half away came over to Greg and Sharon's to see us. We really appreciate Richard and Kathy Klein driving all the way over to see us!

Our overnight hosts are Greg and Sharon Jans. Thank you for allowing us to crash at your place, the wonderful meals and tour of Medicine Hat!

Medicine Hat is effectively built in a bowl. We were very impressed with the City which has a population of some 60,000 people.

Our friends from this fine location in Alberta have helped to instruct us to Canadian vocabulary. Touque, (hat), Coulee (a valley), and loonie, (a dollar coin), along with eh? and  double double, (the double cream with double sugar at Canadian grown Tim Horton's), along with sitting on the chesterfield (couch), among others you may have heard. We appreciate the fine education, O Canada!

I have reviewed the audience for this blog and continue to be amazed at its audience. To date we have had people from:
United States
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia

I appreciate all of you looking in on our adventures.

Till Tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. So cool you got to spend time in Canda with neighbors in Mexico on your way home to the United States. WOW!
