Tuesday, April 4, 2017


  I remember well sitting as a child watching the old black and white television. Though I was only six years old, I was allowed to stay up late on Friday evening’s to watch my favorite show, Route 66. It was 1960. It led me to an appreciation of two things; life on the road and Corvettes. The 1961 'Vette will forever be my favorite. Eventually I fall in love with the song, “Get your kicks, on Route 66!” This song was never associated with the show but all blended together in my brain. Now here I am some 57 years later preparing for a trip of a lifetime. My wife and I are embarking on a 2 1/2 month trip. We will be traveling to “Get our kicks on Route 66”. We hope to discover what remains of the Mother Road, her icons and her people; from there we will head south to San Diego picking up the Pacific Coast Highway and head north on Highway 1 to Highway 101, (with an unfortunate detour at Big Sur due to a bridge being washed out with all the rainfall this past winter), then catching a ferry out of Port Angeles WA to Vancouver Island to visit friends and then on to mainland Canada to pick up the Alaska Highway for a leisure tour of Alaska prior to heading back east through Canada to visit friends in Medicine Hat and then south to the US back toward home. All of this will be done, not in a 1961 Corvette, (as I don’t yet own one), but on my 1995 Goldwing motorcycle with a sidecar pulling a trailer. I estimate the trip to be 15,000 miles. We are setting off to see the countryside and as many people as we’re able to meet along the way. We will not be racing but rather traveling at a snail’s pace in order to take in as much as possible. We project to travel between 200-300 miles each day.  We invite you to share in this journey with us. We will be posting photos and stories as we travel across this great land. We look forward to your comments as we take Route 66 to Alaska. Yes, I'm aware that Route 66 doesn't go to Alaska but it is the first of 3 iconic roads upon which we will travel. Route 66, the Pacific Coast Highway and the Alaska Highway. I thank you for looking in and I hope you will follow the entire journey at:


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